

specific activity

for human use

Radioactive cisplatin

CISSPECT is the radioactive look-a-like of cisplatin, worldwide one of the most used anticancer drugs. CISSPECT is currently being developed in collaboration with the Netherlands Cancer Institute and Amsterdam UMC, loc. VUmc in the Netherlands. The collaboration is focusing on lung cancer patients and head and neck cancer patients.

CISSPECT is a promising imaging agent for predicting the effectivity of cisplatin treatment and to prevent severe kidney toxicity. With CISSPECT, we can measure the uptake in the tumour and select patients for cisplatin chemotherapy. Also, it is possible to assess the concentration of cisplatin in the kidneys.

CISSPECT can improve cisplatin treatment and save patients from side effects such as kidney failure, loss of hearing, nausea and tiredness.

What solutions will CISSPECT possibly offer?

  • Lung cancer: with CISSPECT, we can possibly identify the patients that will benefit from cisplatin chemotherapy.
  • Head & neck cancer: with CISSPECT, we may rightly select the patients that will respond to cisplatin treatment.



Karlijn van der Schilden

Karlijn van der Schilden
R&D Manager Medical Isotopes

To increase effectivity of cisplatin chemotherapy and improve quality of life for patients!


Hypothesis of Pt-195m CISSPECT

An innovative solution to improve treatment outcome.

Most of the patients treated with cisplatin do not respond to the therapy.

In case of lung cancer patients, less than 8% benefit from this chemotherapy treatment. Many patients suffer from side effects. Therefore, it is very unfortunate that non-responders cannot be identified before treatment starts.

Also, 50% of patients treated with cisplatin for head and neck cancer in the Netherlands, do not know the outcome before the treatment starts.

With 195mPt CISSPECT we may possibly help physicians to select the right treatment for these two patient groups.


  • Cisplatin is one of the most used anticancer drugs worldwide.
  • Physicians deal with sub-optimal efficiency of cisplatin chemotherapy on a daily basis.
  • Less than 8% of lung cancer patients benefit from cisplatin treatment but it is not known beforehand who will benefit
  • 20 – 30 % of all cancer patients develop acute kidney toxicity, but which patients is not known.
  • Radioactive cisplatin, or CISSPECT, may provide prediction opportunities for
  • Chemotherapy treatment efficacy
  • External radio beam therapy optimisation
  • Reduction of possible side effects

Dr. ELSE AALBERSBERG, Technical Physician,

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek ziekenhuis

Approach and results

  • In partnership with NKI/AvL a project was started to investigate the opportunities of Pt-195m cisplatin use for nuclear medicine.
  • A first scientific research to “assess the feasibility of 195mPt SPECT imaging in mice, with the aim to determine the image quality and accuracy of quantification for current preclinical imaging equipment” was started by Dr. Else Aalbersberg at NKI/AvL.
  • As second step a first in human trial was designed including a project partnership extension with the Radionuclide Center of Amsterdam UMC loc. VUmc.
  • CISSPECT DESK-LAB was designed and developed: to enable a fully automated synthesis of Pt-195m cisplatin for use in human trials.


When Pt-195m cisplatin shows good results in the planned first in human trial, next steps could possibly follow soon directly afterwards.

Then, when time is due, expectation is to provide physicians with an instrument to increase the cisplatin chemo therapy efficacy combined with external radio-beam treatment.

In addition, physicians will be able to safeguard their patients’ quality of life.

“If successful, Pt-195m cisplatin contributes to optimising treatment outcome of chemo(radio)therapy and reducing toxicity in a personalised approach.“

Partners of Pt-195m CISSPECT development

Nederlands Kanker Instituut / Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • The only dedicated cancer centre in The Netherlands.
  • An oncology centre with global reputation.
  • Important national and international centre of scientific and clinical expertise, development and training.
  • OECI-designated Comprehensive cancer centre (Organisation of European Cancer Institutes).

Amsterdam UMC, loc. VUmc

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Dedicated Radionuclide Center with extensive GMP qualified manufacture competences & facilities.
  • The facility has a B-level license for radionuclides which gives permission to work with all radionuclides.
  • More than 1.500 scientists publish approximately 3.000 scientific articles annually at Amsterdam UMC, loc. VUmc. A worldwide renowned cancer dedicated university medical centre.
