Advancing Nuclear Medicine

  • Serving 30.000 patients daily
  • 1 hour away from important European airport
  • Europe's most complete nuclear infrastructure

In a nutshell


World leader in research and production of important ingredients for nuclear medicine.

Patiënts per day. This is the amount of people served with medicines from Petten.


Hour away from an important European airport. A strategic position for the distribution of nuclear medicine worldwide.

Our solutions

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The starting material for technetium-99m (Tc-99m) generators. Tc-99m is perhaps the most important isotope in nuclear medicine. Doctors and hospitals use it to diagnose life-threatening diseases, such as cancer. Some 49 million nuclear drug investigations are conducted annually, and Tc-99m is used in more than 80% of these treatments.

The largest supplier of radioactive lutetium-177 worldwide. For the treatment of prostate cancer and neuroendocrine tumors.

The future of medical isotopes in diagnosis and treatment. Supports the development of new nuclear medicines within a unique nuclear infrastructure. Promises the delivery of promising medical services.

The largest area of ​​application of iridium-192 is gynecology, for example for the treatment of cervical cancer.

All products

Some of our success stories

Being able to predict which cancer patient is likely to respond to chemotherapy with cisplatin has not yet been possible. However, a unique research project between NRG|PALLAS, the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) and Amsterdam UMC may bring about some change.

Producing medical isotopes using only low enriched uranium? After a challenging design process, Curium and NRG are the first in Europe to produce molybdenum-99 with low enriched uranium. Recognizing the commitments made during the Nuclear Summit 2014, to phase out high enriched uranium (HEU) based medical isotopes.

A complex project has been brought to a successful conclusion: the development and installation of a production process for xenon-133 gas.

Recently, we have developed the world’s first fully automated synthesis module, for the synthesis of Pt-195m cisplatin and other platinum compounds

Advancing Nuclear Medicine

FIELD-LAB: an innovative partnership for the development of nuclear medicine!

FIELD-LAB is a partnership that aims to convert knowledge into new medical solutions. The aim is to accelerate the process from development to the production of nuclear therapies for cancer patients.


  • Supply of radiochemical solutions and radiofarmaceuticals to laboratories
  • Both research and GMP grade
  • Creation of radiochemical processes using innovative isotopes
  • Collaboration between academic and industrial partners
  • Portal to a fast-growing network with an open innovation culture

Partners & clients around the world

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BSC Wtag 541Blue
Logo Erasmusmc
Logo Futurechemistry 1
Nki Avl Logo
Radboudumc Logo Eng

Advancing Nuclear Medicine

NRG Advancing Nuclear Medicine cares for the well-being of people worldwide. Especially for their health. We wish people to live longer, be more vital and feel happier. We believe everybody should have access to advanced treatments. New highly targeted treatments will cause less side effects and improve the quality of life.

We provide solutions to advance nuclear medicine ranging from complete irradiation services for medical isotope production, to access to R&D resources & commercial processing.



Already in 2001, NRG supported the development of Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy with carrier added Lutetium-177 (Lu-177 c.a.) by the supply of Lutetium-177 trichloride as a radiochemical. Nowadays, Lu-177 no carrier added is preferably used. “Lu-177 n.c.a. has a higher specific activity and thus radiolabeling efficiency, than lu-177 c.a.”, according to Marion Chomet, lead scientist at FIELD-LAB. Chomet and her colleagues are now fine-tuning and finalizing their custom made lutetium-177 n.c.a. process. But there are several challenges and practical considerations that they are facing.

30 November 2022

It is game on for actinium-225 and lead-212. These two alpha-emitters can treat the same cancer and they are center stage in several researches around the world. However, only one can be the winner and conquer the market. What are the differences between these two powerhouses and which one is more likely to take the prize.
